Wednesday 15 June 2022

Fuck it. I'm off to Lands End.

At the moment I'm sitting on a bus in Buchanan bus station. Its Wednesday 11 am the 15th June . I'm about to head to Birmingham to stay for the night before going further South tomorrow. I get to Lands End on Friday. 
One of the reasons I want to do this Lands End to John O Groats walk is to get more disciplined. Discipline is probably the main factor in what makes a difference in people success in life. In comedy as well.any other career its not the most naturally talented people that get to the top. It's the most disciplined. The comedians I see progressing quicker in their career are the ones that are the most disciplined with writing and organising gigs etc. I can be disciplined sometimes but most of the time I am a bit of a scatter brain. So now.that I am heading to Lands End to walk up the country I have no choice but to be more disciplined. I need to walk every day to make sure I'm in Scotland in time for the Edinburgh festival starting. I also need to be focused on finding gigs on the way to pay for expenses and bills back home. I don't have a huge budget so this is a big incentive. 

So as I was getting closer to starting this adventure my brain has started ro work out what I need to do every day to help me get to my goals. 

What are my goals of the walk/ tour.

1. Get fit as a fiddle. My fitness is not the best just now. I'm a bit over weight. Walking 15 miles a day should sort that out. Also working for Just Eat is not.good.for eating habits :) I also have a body weight routine I've planned for.the walk.

2. Do at.least 30 gigs. 

3. Build online following. This is.part of my motivation. My main goal in comedy is to do tours of solo shows every year in theatres.from a few hundred to a few thousand people. I have the skills to do the shows. Just don't have enough of a following yet to fill the rooms. 

4. Make some money. Would be good to make.some decent money from the gigs so that I can do some of the things I want to do when it's all.finished

5. Raise a load of money for charity. I have two.good.charities I'm working for. Cash for Kids and a German Shepherd rescue centre. these on my soon.

6. Find myself. Yes there is some spiritual hippy shit this :).

I'm working out a list of things I need tondonevery day in my tour to make these goals happen. Writing a blog is one. Doing a.amount of social media is another. I'll work that out over the next few days.

Keep following my blog. The writing will get better honest :).

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