Sunday 7 March 2010

Running The Marathon.
On My Birthday.

On Sunday the 31st of May 2009 I did my first marathon in Edinburgh. I must admit this is one of the proudest things I’ve ever done in my life. Its something I’ve always wanted to do, but never got round to it. Now it’s been done I believe I can do anything.

I decided to do it when a good mate of mine Mark Nelson put a post on the Scottish comedy forum to see if anybody fancied doing it (Thanks Mark) . I thought dam it so I stuck my name down. So there was no turning back.

I was reasonably fit before then, so I thought I should be ok. I regularly went to the gym. The only running I had really done however was on the Treadmill. I was told I had to run outside because it was totally different. They weren’t wrong. The first time I went outside I was out of breath after a mile. This was going to be hard. I trained quite hard for the first six weeks of the year. Then disaster struck. I developed an injury. I was limping for about three weeks so I could do no training. It turns out I didn’t have the right trainers to absorb the impact of running. I got new trainers and started back training.

I don’t think I was as consistent as I should have been when I was training, but I felt I had done enough.

The week before the gig I planned to eat healthy and stay off the booze. I was doing pretty well until Thursday night when Paddy Clarke ( a guy I work with) phoned me and forced me to go for a beer. His brother was getting married the next day so I had to. Honest. It was a good night. Ask Paddy about speed cameras and flashing.

The next two nights I had gigs lined up. I didn’t drink at any of them, but both of them turned out to be gigs from hell. The first one was just full of teeny boppers and idiots who heckled every single line and spoke through everybody’s act. I got a great review from one of the local mad women. “ You were Shite, but well done” Thanks crazy woman.

The Saturday nights gig was probably worse. It was mobbed, but half of the audience were there to see a band that was on after us. They just weren’t interested in comedy. It was like trying to do a gig at Parkhead during an old firm game. Pointless. I felt sorry for some of the audience. They actually wanted to listen, but didn’t get a chance to enjoy the show.

I got home after one O clock in the morning. The marathon kicks off at Nine in Edinburgh.

I got to Edinburgh on time. I was excited and nervous. It was the hottest day of the year so far. If god exists. He’s a bugger. I started the run feeling good. It was great watching thousands of other runners at the same time. I remember the sound of thousands feet pounding the road. It was awesome. The first six miles was down hill so it was pretty easy. I had a good chat with some of the other runners. One of the most amazing things about the run is the amount of people who are out there to cheer you on. It really was amazing and it does help. There was a guy singing “ This is the way to Amarillo at about ten miles” There was bag pipes going on. It was brilliant.

Up till about seventeen miles I was thinking this marathon running is a easy. That’s when my legs started to hurt. That’s when I started seeing paramedics surrounding drop outs at the side of the road. This must be the wall thing they are talking about.

I still managed to keep running, with the odd wee walking break. I found that my legs hurt more when I stopped running. Every time I felt knackered there was always a spectator at the side of the road shouting encouragement. They were absolutely brilliant. I had a wee chuckle to my self around this point when I got over taken by a Smurph. Brilliant.

Around the course they had flags with the mileage completed so far. I swear to go I think each mile got longer from about 19 miles. Time was going so slowly. But that crowd kept us going. Where were the last two nights when I needed them at my gigs.

At 23 miles. I knew I was nearly there. But it was the longest 3 miles ever. I was still running, but having small walk breaks. I knew I was there though and my time was pretty respectable.

After twenty five miles the crowd was getting bigger. I started feeling amazing. The pain started to go. I was nearly home and dry. The last few hundred yards were amazing. The crowd were going mental. There was a stand full of spectators cheering. I got the most amazing buzz I’ve ever had. I had Goosebumps. That moment will stay with me forever. Going over the finishing line was phenomenal. I had just ran a marathon. Woohooo. I’m alive.

Since I have done the marathon a lot of people have said to me that they could never do a marathon. Absolute nonsense!! Some of the people I seen running that thing were outstanding. There was a 98 year old man who ran it. Ninety eight. That is phenomenal Inspirational old man. The next time you hear someone saying they are too old to do something. Give them a slap. There was people with limbs missing going round in crutches. There was loads of MS sufferers out there as well. And of course there was a Smurph. In fact it was a Smurphet. She was quite sexy. I would have Smurphed her up the Smurph.

If there’s something you want to achieve in your life. Anything. If you have been moaning about not being ably to do it. Shut up. Stop moaning. Just go do it now.

Ninety eight he was.


If you fancy doing a marathon. Id recommend you have a look at this guide. click here. It was a great help for me, and helped me with one of my biggest ever achievements.

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