Tuesday 21 June 2022


What does freedom mean to you? I think that's something I'm trying to work out with doing this Lands 3nd to John O Groats walk. I'm not sure if I've ever felt 100 percent free.  Here is a list of things I think freedom means to me. 

1. Going anywhere you want qhwnever you want.
2. Doing whatever you want whenever you want.
3. Doing your own thing without caring what other people think.
4. Freedom to say what you really want to say to people without fear. This can mean confronting people you have issues with and maybe telling someone you have feelings for what you think.
5. Freedom things and fail without feeling judged.

There is probably more. I am tired after walking for ages today. I think I'm trying to find freedom.of some sort. I have felt like Andy Dufresne ( Had to Google that spelling) from Shawshank redemption digging his way out of jail over 20 years with a spoon. 
For me I think there are a number of things that hold us back from being free. We'll in my point of view anyway. We are all different.  There is financial constraints, thoughts and beliefs that have been passed down from parents, grandparents etc, thoughts and beliefs from all the people you are surrounded with like friends, workmates etc. There is thousands of different influences that we experience every day from everywhere. It's been a mixture of these influence that have accumulated over the years to make us who we are today. 

Ii feel like I'm rambling now. But I am free to ramble all I want so shut up. I think I am trying to escape a lot of these influences and do life my way. I think that's the type of freedom im looking for. 

On Saturday night. 3 days ago I was sleeping in my tent in a dark corner of a campsite. It was about 11:30 pm. I was in my sleeping bag with extra layers on and I was still a bit cold. The weather outside was shite. It was very windy and rainy. My tend was getting battered about. I though it was going to uproot at one point and maybe I'd end up meeting Dorothy on the yellow brick Road. Anyway. I remember lying there thinking about people home and how they might be in a nice warm pub having a beer or they might be in a nice cosy bed watching TV. Anyway at that point I started laughing my head off and found the whole thing was hilarious. At that point I felt free as fuck. Maybe that's what freedom is maybe its the ability to not give a fuck where you are or what's happening on the outside world. Maybe it's the ability to feel free wherever your outside circumstances. There are stories of people who are locked up discovering true freedom.while being confined to 4 walls..

Anyway. That's enough rambling. Tell me what you think by leaving a comment here or on my Facebook page. Thank. Also you can help me along my walk by supporting one of the two charities I'm doing it for and donating to my buy me a coffee page to help with my living expenses here.  Buy me a coffee. Cash for kids. German Shepherd rescue.

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